You too, deserve nice things
To my fellow empaths and emotionally intelligent people in their 20’s, focus on you. Even if you understand the needs and emotions of others deeply, that is where it should end. Understand them and move on. Even though we are natural healers, it is important for us to understand the art of leaving people alone in their own chaos.
At the beginning of 2021, I officially made the decision to stop following, stop chasing and stop prioritizing other people. It is better to be on bad terms with somebody or a group of people, than to be in the position of “that person that has to try very hard to prove they are worthy of attention or reciprocation”. You see, life is very funny. The more you prioritize people, the more you reach out and give more than you receive, the more those on the receiving end will believe they are entitled to your effort and energy. Subconsciously, it will register that you have something to prove. Why? Because once this dynamic is registered, it only escalates. I say once again, it is better to be on bad terms or even be strangers, than to constantly reach out and try so hard to force friendships and relationships.
Recently, I found myself feeling guilty for cutting off certain people. “I look like a bad person”, “They will think this, they will think that” “I look like this, I look like that”. But then I stopped to think, none of these people ever cared or thought about how their actions would affect me, none of these people ever put my feelings, thoughts or opinions into consideration the same way I put theirs into consideration. They simply acted however they wanted. So why shouldn’t I do the same thing?. I then realized the thought pattern that I had to change. You see, sometimes, it is actually good to do things without putting the feelings, thoughts and opinions of others into consideration. Forget about what religion and society tell you about the importance of being a good person. Especially, if it benefits you and your mental health. Entitled people can stay on their imaginary pedestal. You do not have to engage, simply just……leave them alone in their own little compressed bubble. Go travel, see things, learn more, meet new people, grow in your own light. The world is yours for the taking, leave everyone alone while you are in your 20's.
You too, deserve nice things, You too, deserve to be on a pedestal. Your feelings are valid and deserve to be taken into consideration. Let’s make a decision to leave these people alone in their little worlds without worrying about how they will feel, and focus only on ourselves. Focus on nurturing ourselves, focus on our education, our passions, our talents and all things related. After all, nobody really cares right? So we can do whatever we want.
You too deserve nice things.
Originally published at on January 26, 2021.