You can do it. Written by Keren Obara.

Keren Obara
2 min readMay 12, 2023


Keren Obara. Master of Science in Management.

My whole life, I have had people trying to put me in a corner, silence me, or tell me I cannot achieve what I set my mind to. My internal response to these apocalyptic beasts is; “We’ll see about that.”

For every false claim made on the life of someone else, the accuser/ transgressor puts themselves in a position to be filled with shame once they are proven wrong. I have learnt a lot from my transgressors. One of the lessons I have learnt is: Think before you make a claim on someone’s life. For we have little knowledge of how Karma works. What you claim for another, you claim for yourself.

One of my favorite books is “You can do it” by Louise Hay (R.I.P). A person’s Acres of Diamonds are with them. Not with anyone else. This is why it is a waste of time trying to tear someone else down. You set yourself up for heartbreak.

There are lessons to be learnt from transgressors. But most importantly, by watching them blunder at trying to tear me down, I have learnt a vital lesson. In adulthood, we must all mind our business and mine our own acres of diamonds. Simplicity, boundaries and inner peace are what will take someone far, not how must they can talk, boast, showcase, or accuse.

Keren Obara.

Master of Science in Management.



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