The world burns. But I am a Fire Hero.
Life hurts, Life burns. Life is hell. I don’t mean this in a negative way. It’s just the truth. Being an African girl, I feel like I was handed the hell of all hells, being born in one of the worst third world societies. I’m not talking about the wealth aspect, but the psychological aspect. Growing up as an African girl is a psychological hell, just because of the way the society is structures. But I decided to absorb the fire and become my own Fire Hero.
I’m not going to lie. Once in a while, I get memories from childhood that hurt. One example is, my mother violated my boundaries and disrespected me a lot when I was a kid. I was never shown how to be truly loving and respectful. The patriarchal society was structured in such a way that the women only had to behave well in front of the men but were allowed to be horrible towards everybody else.
The phrase came to me; You might think you are a problem, but I’m a bigger problem. You might think that you spit fire, but I control the fire. I decided that I will never be destroyed, no matter what they do. At the end of this generation, I will be among the ones on top. My crown will never be taken off no matter how much they try to.
This motivated me to cultivate my own acres of diamonds. I cultivate my own inner strength and self-esteem, to the point that I say; Even if the whole world comes crumbling down, even if I’m left out in the cold dark storm, even if everyone turns their back on me, even if the world decides I’m too flawed for love or friendship, I will continue to rise. Okay, you are Voldemort, but I’m ten times stronger than Harry Potter. I am the universe’s yes, and you are the universe’s no.
The world will burn around me, but I will be a Fire Hero. The world will crumble, and everything will be destroyed to shreds. But I will be right there, with eyes wide open, in the swirling thunderstorm.
Just like Loki stayed at that rock for millions of years with venom pouring down on him, plotting for Ragnarok, just like Jörmungandr roamed the raging seas and survived, just like Fenrir survived and later killed Odin, I will survive, I will roam the seas, and when Ragnarok comes, I will be there. With eyes wide open, looking straight at everyone.
Some girls are just indestructible.
I am the universe’s yes, you are the universe’s no.