The Law of Similitude. Written by Keren Obara.
The law of similitude in its application within psycho-cybernetics (Maxwell
2015), refers to the act of acceptance of one’s likes and gravitating towards
them in recognition that what the psyche perceives in a positive light, aligns one’s mind with positive qualities that he/she has in his or her mind. Of course, only without resistance can the law of similitude be recognized to full effect.
Lectures recommend appreciating that which one likes enough to strive to nurture those liked qualities within oneself. For example, what you find attractive in another is simply what your psyche wishes to build upon itself.
Therefore, the act of liking something or someone is an act of positive projection (Buchard 2015), which has been described as one of the most positive people skills.
Like attracts like
Benjamin Spall (2020) “Like attracts like. Just be who you are, calm and clear and bright. Automatically, as we shine who we are, asking ourselves every minute is this what I really want to do, doing it only when we answer yes, automatically that turns away those who have nothing to learn from who we are, and attracts those who do, and from whom we must learn, as well.”
When we live authentically and accept our desires, we are able to thrive in a world that might not necessarily see this as a good thing.
However, aligning oneself with one’s likes has been proven to improve mental health.
“When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of life itself.” — Eckhart Tolle.
The law of “like attracts like” exists at every level of our lives, including with our work. In order to attract the right people to your work, you need to…
1. develop your core values
2. increase your productivity
3. be strategically impatient
4. develop a morning routine
5. learn to overcome laziness
6. get your character in check
7. learn to delay gratification
8. develop a thick skin
9. read the right books
10. develop self-reliance
11. make your priorities a priority
…and finally, you need to figure out your life purpose. When you
do all of this, you will begin to attract likeminded people to your
work in droves. Your work will speak for itself.
Way forward
After aligning oneself with one’s desires, one must take the extra step
of allowing those desires. For humans tend to feel ashamed or even
afraid of their desires. That is the inner resistance that holds one back
from achieving what one wishes.
In order to be true creators of our reality, we must align and accept
what we want
Keren Obara. Master of Science in Management. Founder of Keraizen.
Maxwell, M. (2015). Psycho-Cybernetics Expanded and Updated. TarcherPerigee. USA.
Burchard, B. (2015) Positive Projection. Available from: Accessed
Spall, B. (2020) Like attracts like- How to attract people to your work. Available from:
attracts-like/ Accessed 09/11/2022