The going up, going down strategy.

Keren Obara
1 min readApr 11, 2023


Keren Obara in the Keraizen Neith Outfit

It is clear, and a known fact that life is full of ups and downs. I for one, have had my fair share of downs (mostly emotionally and socially). But I realized one thing- Always get up. No matter what happens, even if fire comes raining down from the heavens, even if I wake up tomorrow and everybody has suddenly turned into a Demogorgon, I will be wide awake, alert, and ready to speed run through life.

Fortune favors those who know how to get up and keep moving. If others want to be slow and dwell in their comfort, let them. That is how they will fall behind in life and sink into misery, while loathing the fact that life happens for those that create their own realities.

No downfall can keep you down. No heartbreak can stall you. No betrayal can taint you. Victory belongs to those who keep moving actively.

And at the end of the generation, we shall look back at the gossips, the bullies, the ostracizers, the oppressors, and we shall ask them: “So, what was the use of everything you did? We still came out on top.”



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