Take life day by day and always keep going.
In my journey, I have had many random people trying to tear me down or show my what I am not. I always think, but I haven’t done anything bad to them, I just mind my business and have my own space. What do they want from me? Why are they hurting me like this? It’s made me do a lot of inventories on myself.
But also, what I have realized is that the people that have hurt me usually don’t even have anything up their sleeve. When I look at them after years, they haven’t gotten anywhere from where I first left them.
So I realized that the best thing to do is just mind my business and keep growing day by day, because people do not have an innate sense of what they want, what they value, or just basic boundaries and respect.
After I gave up, life became better. i am able to grow day by day, without losers trying to tear me down or guilt me into believing false notions about myself.
Keren Obara 2023.