My Struggle: Keren’s Manifesto
Equality is a disease. It is an excuse for horrid and lazy people to demand for special treatment. Equality is not something resourceful people demand for. It is always those that are trailing behind in in life who demand that the resourceful people in society share the fruits of their efforts with them.
Growing up around Africans, I have been exposed to people who think that my gifts, my talents, my education, should benefit them. Why? Because the higher the poverty rate in a society, the more focusing on oneself is seen as selfishness. Having no boundaries equates to being a good person.
When people have a sense of dis-empowerment, they turn to those that they believe are empowered and expect to be thrown a bone. If they don’t receive the free bone, they turn into rabid dogs, ready to hurt the empowered person at any chance given.
The question is, ‘how long can you go, blaming your failures and limitations on the wealthy?’
Equality is a disguise for those who haven’t worked on themselves to demand for free things.
Because of the liberal world we live in, they have been told that they are entitled to special treatment and they deserve free things just because they have numerous victim cards to play.
We shall see. We shall see if they will threaten the whole world into cuddling them. Everyone must eventually grow up and hold themselves accountable for their own lives.
You can carry all your victim cards with you. Whether its on a poverty front, or a racial injustice front or any other disadvantage you try to parade around. At the end of the day, no one will be pressured or shamed into helping you. Everyone must eventually grow up and take responsibility for their own lives.
Keren Obara 2023.