Mental Health is important. Attached is the piece ‘My Mind and Me’, by Keren Obara.
Mental health is the most cause of concern in today’s world. We live in a time when mankind has access to most basic necessities. But the average youth of today suffers greatly mentally and emotionally. Why?
The truth is today’s world facilitates varying doses of emotional ailments, character disorders, and neuroticism. Information overload and emotional overload lead to increased hyper awareness levels. And even though most young people might deny it, each individual within Gen Z and Gen A must seek psychotherapy at least once before they turn 30.
We live in a time when escapist methods are destroying youths. People destroy their emotional quotient when they refuse to face and acknowledge their feelings. This destroys the brain’s social receptors and makes them handicapped in forming normal/ healthy/ realistic bonds with others. If continued, we risk seeing the rise of emotionally underdeveloped 30 year olds, stuck in adolescence. Because the depth and intensity of adult emotions was too much for them, so they chose the coward’s path- escapism.
Physical health is dwindled with the use of stimulants or suppressants to run away from what I call ‘emotional over stimulation’.
Each group of human beings must face challenges in order to develop new mental faculties/ neuropathways that the next generations of humans will be born with.
For Gen Z and Gen A, our troubles are psychological and emotional. The world wars we have to fight are in our minds. We fight unseen enemies. Ghastly ghouls that hide in the shadows of our own minds. When we shine a light onto these mental enemies, they dwindle and weaken. I call this light- the white flame (love). The easiest way to destroy these ailments, is by stepping out of oneself to give love. This creates a momentum of flow. Flow creates dynamic growth. For the worst thing someone can do to themselves is stay stagnant as the person they are and refuse to grow. This is death.
I have seen millennials who plateau and stall their growth because they chose the path of fear, escapism and stagnation rather than the path of conquering their mental enemies. But I have also seen wise millennials who understand that at each stage of life, skin must be shed to facilitate growth. This requires the courage and bravery to face oneself.
In today’s world, it is easier to seek escapist methods, than to face oneself. For facing oneself comes with a lot of pain. But my philosophy is, feel the discomfort early, grow and move on. Rather than wasting time in avoidance.
As Mr. Scott Peck states in The Road Less Traveled; When you acknowledge that we will all die someday, it creates perspective within one’s mind, and inspires one to seek meaning, value, and think about what kind of legacy they would like to leave behind.