Ladies, life is a marathon. Not a sprint.
Those who try to tear others down through petty moves like gossip and snide remarks will learn their lesson when they see that life is a marathon, not a sprint.
When Generation Z are in our 30’s, what is going to matter more?
Before you’re mean to someone, make sure you know the full scope of who that person is, and who’s got their back. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. The way you treat others is put on record. Make sure to sow the right seeds with the right people.
Make sure to respect people’s boundaries and don’t cross their limits just because you assume that you know them.
The worst mistake you can ever make is assuming that you know someone, or assuming that you and someone are close.
Boundaries make or break a connection. The easiest way to be on people’s good side is of you just respect their boundaries and live your own life. The easiest way to be avoided is to cross boundaries and assume you have the right to.
Be careful, tread lightly.
And women, stay away from gossip groups. In this era, gossips pay heavily. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
Be diligent with your actions.
Stay out of people’s business, don’t assume people owe you anything just because you share some things in common.
Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint.
If one wrong action of yours goes unpunished, don’t take that as a reason to keep on intruding into people’s space, and lives.
I’ve seen women the age of 60 who are alone, on their own. Weakening with age, but there’s no one to offer them companionship. Why? They spent their whole lives violating people’s boundaries to the point that they render themselves useless in seniority.
What I’ve learnt in life, be a woman who leaves others alone. You will be loved so much for that. If you gossip about others and always have your nose in what shouldn’t concern you, then you will be avoided like a plague. Pushed to the corner of society. A red mark shall be on your forehead. You will think you are cursed; you will think that people are just intentionally leaving you out. But the truth is, nobody likes to feel violated. And the older the generation grows; people will need more of their own space.
Choose now to be a woman who stands on her own and stays out of the affairs of others. It will save you a lot. Better to learn these lessons in your 20’s than later.
Keren Obara 2023