It’s time to grow up.
“Gen Z. The world doesn’t care about you or where you came from. The world only cares about what you offer.”
Do you offer people peace, or do you offer disrespect and crossed boundaries? Do you offer people privacy, or do you offer them gossip? Do you offer comfort, or do you offer stress and insecurity?
What is your education level? How can it be of use? What are your skills? How can they be of use? What can you bring to the table apart from looks and bragadacious juvenile despondencies?
These are examples of the things that truly matter. If you do not offer interpersonal value, someone else will always be picked over you.
I’ve had to look within, hold myself accountable for stupidity, and find a way to grow. This era will be filled with harsh realizations for most. The best thing to do is take regular inspection of oneself. When you actively seek for ways to grow and become a better person, you will not be hit with shock at the last minute (late 20’s).
It’s time to grow up. I will grow, and I will become better. I will hold myaelf accountable, I will hold myself responsible. The continuous process of growth is indeed painful and uncomfortable. But if you take it actively into your own hands, it will be less painful than taking a back seat and refusing to grow.
I wish everybody a happy 20’s. May we all get through this crazy decade. And may the best win. Remember, Fortune favors the bold.
One must not forget to cultivate their own Acres of Diamonds.
Keren Obara 2023.