I don’t care about cultural appropriation❤️ People can borrow from “the culture” as much as they want to.
So a Kpop idol wore braids, so what? It’s obvious that he/she looks beautiful and pulled it off. So someone is trying to imitate AAVE, Hopefully they will be grow out of it because it is a little overrated. Why are we even holding on to anything anymore? The world is changing. Why are you holding on to mundane things that you consider to be your “identity”? Identify evolves. Somethings are lost along the way, and some are added, some are borrowed, and some are lent.
You don’t have to attach and cling so tightly to things that you associate as only rightfully yours. It only does more harm than good. Your identity is allowed to evolve. Your identity is not limited to just a set of things and ideas. You can evolve too, nobody is keeping you in chains. Oh right, I forgot about the mental shackles still present in your mind. You are free, darling, you can let go of what you think it means to “be a black person”. We are living in a time when people are adapting and everyone is free to form new identities.
You can do so as well, instead of gatekeeping and becoming emotional over stereotypes and props. You can invent new identities, and leave the other props in the hands of those who have appropriated them.
Nobody is holding you in chains. Oh right, I forgot the mental shackles still present in your mind. You are free, darling. There is nothing under the sun that has never been borrowed or mimicked. You are not special. As long as you are living in this planet, people are gonna borrow from each other. Cultures have been borrowing from each other since the dawn of time. I repeat, there is nothing new under the sun that has never been borrowed. Just let go, find/invent new identities instead of clinging and complaining. It’s only unhealthy for you. You are free to evolve and keep flowing like water.
Globalisation is here to stay, it will never die. As long as the world progresses, people will keep on borrowing from each other. Who even cares anymore? I don’t. And to be honest, there are many issues plaguing the black community today, focusing on “cultural appropriation” and other mundane things outside of our control is just a lazy escapist approach to not addressing issues within our control.
The next time you find yourself putting all your energy into complaining about cultural appropriation, shift that energy to the bigger and deeper issues plaguing our community and what we can do to become better individuals and progress into the future.