Healthy detachment: Detaching from others in order to get in touch with oneself as a Kaijustsu technique
Detaching from others in order to get in-touch with oneself- Healthy detachment from others
Detachment is essential when it comes to mental wellbeing and orchestrating more fulfilling relations. Contrary to popular belief, to be detached does not mean to be cold, distant or dismiss others.
It simply means to stand on one’s own as an individual while giving others the freedom to stand on their own as well. Healthy detachment involves understanding one’s attachment styles and not letting subconscious complexes influence the way they interact with the world around them.
Because of this, healthy detachment enables us to be better individuals to the people around us and to ourselves. How so? If you detach your personal biases from your friends, and loved ones, you are able to view them as individuals and avoid projecting your own complexes onto them. Once we recognize others as individuals and separate ourselves from them, we are able to see them as they are and this makes for healthy relationships/ friendships.
Detachment from others is also essential in protecting one’s mental state. This way, the actions of others will not dictate one’s state of mind or decisions. This also helps us to create boundaries with others so as to have healthier relations.
As mentioned before, to be detached from others does not mean to be cold or distant. It simply means to stand on one’s own and give others the freedom to do so as well without placing unrealistic expectations onto them. These unrealistic expectations lead to entitlement.
Entitlement leads to unhealthy attachment. The immediate solution for this is healthy detachment. Which enables one to be a better by standing on his/her own while giving others the freedom to do so as well and keeping balanced relationships. Healthy detachment also enables individuals to reach their fullest potential without the hinder of worrying about the actions/ opinions of others.
©Keren Obara May 2021