Keren Obara
2 min readMar 17, 2021



Streaming platforms like Twitch provide an amazing way for the gaming community to interact directly, give feedback and share new ideas.” quotes Geek and Sundry, a popular Twitch channel that puts a creative and narrative spin on traditional gaming and geek culture (Bellan 2020). Over 1.3 million people are on Twitch on average at any given point. A Twitch spokesperson confirmed that the platform’s infrastructure is prepared for the potential influx of different industries that want to get on the live stream train. One example is the gaming industry (Bellan 2020). While the masses take to watching others play video games.

What makes Twitch different from, say, YouTube, which offers similar content, is the sense of community. Users don’t join the platform just to watch on demand video solo, like they would on YouTube (Julian 2021). They come to engage with their community. This community is fueled by a live chat that connects directly with the streamer and is built around the streamer’s personality (Mukherjee 2021). The community is often more important than the live stream itself.

On Twitch, expert streamers earn between USD $3000 to $5000 each month playing around 40 hours a week. Ad revenues average about $250 every 100 subscribers (businessofapps). Monetized views (Julian 2021), range from 40% — 80% of total views. All these are influenced by several factors like the device played on, the time of the year, location of the viewer, ad inventory, how many ads there are on a video (Mukherjee 2021), how many people skip the ads or have ad blockers, the type of advertisement, ad engagement, type of content and so forth. The cost of an ad view is based on an auction between advertisers based on views. Advertisers have to bid a minimum of USD $0.01 per view.

Key Twitch Statistics

  1. Twitch has more than 15 million daily active users.
  2. Twitch has between 2.2 and 3.2 million monthly broadcasters.
  3. There have been 355 billion minutes watched.
  4. Average viewers at any time: 1,142,437.
  5. Average channels on the platform: 42,984.
  6. 81.5% of Twitch users are male.
  7. 55% of Twitch users are aged between 18–34.

BELLAN, R., 2020. Is 2020 The Year of Twitch? [online]. FORBES. [17/03/2021]. Available from:

B.O.S., 2021. Twitch Affiliate Partner Program. [online]. BUSINESS OF APPS. [17/03/2021]. Available from:

JULIAN., 2021. How much money Tommy Innit makes on youtube. [online]. NAIL BUZZ. [17/03/2021]. Available from:

MUKHERJEE, S., 2021. Tommy Innit aged 16 reaches 40K subs on Twitch. [online]. TALKESPORT. [16/03/2021]. Available from:

©Keren Obara Mar 2021



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