Donald Trump and Candace Owens. How do I feel about that after succumbing to "woke" and "liberal" culture for most of my teenage years? After the events of my 21 year life experience and the events of the past two years, I have learned to thwart the innate instinct to automatically turn away from that which I know little about and replace the instinct with objective learning of said subject, that I should.
The Trump/Owens duo is one that lays out the truth, focuses on economic improvement and is not afraid to stand by what they say. They are deemed controversial due to their delivery which is utterly straight forward. As I entered my early 20's, I found myself inclining more towards a Conservative approach to many areas of my life. This is a growing curve that let's me perceive these two, and instead of turning away, or proceeding to bash them as most would, I listen to what they say and realise the truths spoken that call me out on my own blunders and redundant mindsets as a young black person.
A metamorphosis I went through at the tender age of 19 to 20 led to me appreciating modesty, order and structure more. I realised that the "free", "liberal" and "woke" mindsets that my teenage-hood held to high esteem were simply all fleeting notions and half baked ideologies, which when applied constantly and predominantly, leave the individual with an inner sence of instability - instead of the sense of liberation promised.
This is why as I grow, I ever so stabilise into a Conservative approach to various areas of my life as this gives me a sense of structure, order, stability and direction. Subjectively, it is not about either or. For my approach to life, it is about finding an equilibrium and applying the right mindsets to the right situations. At the age of 21, I am still not sure if I can claim the title of fully Conservative. Infact, I recently tried to comment on a post in the reddit community, which led to me being messaged saying "you cannot comment if you are not a true Conservative."
Well this was strange, as I am still exploring the Conservative world and learning about it. Therefore, I most certainly do not know what makes one a "true Conservative." But, as I always do, I sit back and enjoy the learning ride, as I educate myself on things and delve into on Madam Owens' book - Black Out (which I recommend because it it a lovely read).
As for now I can only watch what the near future truly holds. But this is the message I choose leave with you: Think as you wish, not as you are told. Thank you for taking your time to read. God Bless You.
©Keren Obara May 2021