Apocalypse: Keren’s Manifesto.
Originally posted on: https://kerensarahobara.wordpress.com/2023/05/12/apocalypse-kerens-manifesto/
If the world ended today, how would you be remembered? I watched American Horror Story: Apocalypse, and the beginning scene got me thinking. Life as we know it, can change at any minute. If something were to happen today or tomorrow, what would be the last thing you did? Quarreled with someone? Insulted someone?
Another line that stood out to me: social media gave people the illusion that all are equal. This, I believe is true. We are all in different journeys. What jumbles up this world is the erasure of boundaries, limits, and the need for everyone to show that they are equal. This world is so jumbled because people forget to grow, and just want to put on an illusion of something, while tearing others down. Eventually the natural order of things will be restored. Be diligent.
I have found that knowing one’s place can save you from a lot. If you are a child, be a child. If you are an apprentice, be an apprentice. The world tries to shame us if we accept our place in the natural order of things. But it is only when we accept our place that we can truly grow and evolve.
The modern-day individual is under a lot of pressure to prove and show to others. But I have found, when I keep it simple and look within, that is when I achieve the greatest things. If you are a student, be the best student you can be. If you are someone’s acquaintance, give a grounded and good energy.
If you are a beginner, let yourself be a beginner. For only when you embrace your place as a rookie, can you truly become a master.
Keren Obara.
Master of Science in Management.
Founder of Keraizen.