Alchemist Priestess- A piece by Keren Obara
Every day, in every way, I am becoming better and better.
Seeming obstacles, and seeming adversaries transmute into blessings and allies,
That bring my highest good.
I am an alchemist. Alchemy is my power.
What I desire, desires me back.
Like a kaleidoscope, situations are transmuted.
I am a magician, I am and I am.
I am an alchemist, I am and I am.
I create and I bring, I release and I sing.
I am and I am.
Shhh, harken unto thee, the priestess is here.
As she speaks, so it is.
As she sings, so it be.
Like a kaleidescope, the entire situation transmutes.
Obstacles are turned into wonderful open pathways.
Pathways filled with flowers,
Hour after hour.
As the hour glass turns, so do adversaries churn.
As they transmute into allies, that serve me and support me.
Alchemist I am, I am and I am.